Paola Ledezma González ("Paola Buenrostro")
Age 2330 Sep 2016
Ciudad de Mexico, Distrito Federal (Mexico)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/30-Sep-2016/Paola Ledezma Gonzalez

Paola was shot twice after climbing into a client's car on the night of Friday 30th September. She died almost instantly.
"This guy arrived and it looked like he was drugged and drunk, and my friend got up to give him the service, but the car did not go seven meters when he shot her twice and killed her."
"I began to scream desperately, and in that instant a patrol passed and stopped him while he was still inside the car," he said.
Her companions tried to come to her aid and managed to stop the car with the help of the crew of a police patrol. Although her killer was arrested, 48 hours later he was released on the grounds that there was insufficient evidence to link him to the homicide process.
Paola's body was delivered to her friends on Sunday, before taking her to a funeral home.
A couple of hours later the remains of Paola arrived at the wake, there she spent the night between prayers and tears of her acquaintances. Her funeral was a luxury, the cost exceeded 25 thousand pesos for the ward, the coffee service, advice on paperwork, transfer, embalming, makeup and burial in the Civil Pantheon of San Lorenzo Tezonco in Iztapalapa.
"In order to pay for the funeral, girls from different areas cooperated: de la Merced, Sullivan, Insurgentes, Puente de Alvarado and even Tlalpan. You see a few here but there are many who supported with something, they can be whores ... but not culeras", explained Adriana Barrios Ruiz who had rented to Paola for more than a year a small room where she lived in the street of Doctor Enrique González Martínez and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz in the Doctores colony.
The hostel Casa Hogar Paola Buenrostro was named in Paola's memory.
A space free of violence and discrimination is what the first hostel in Mexico represents for its founders for the LGBTTTI community : Casa Hogar Paola Buenrostro.
Kenya Cuevas, activist and founder of the civil organization Casa de las Muñecas Tiresias, named the shelter after her friend Paola, murdered on September 30, 2016. The site is located at Lázaro Cárdenas 59, La Casilda de the mayor Gustavo A. Madero.
Kenya explained that the fact that the shelter is named after a trans woman and sex worker is of great importance, because it means that everything that has been learned after her loss has been worthwhile.
Paola Buenrostro was murdered on September 30, 2016 and her case was the first transfemicide recognized in Mexico City, according to a CDHDF recommendation.
“She was my best friend and they took her away. That is why this space is like a pull of ears for all institutions, for society, because it will be named after a sex worker or, as they vulgarly tell you, that of a whore in the corner. But whatever they want, I'm sure it will give more results than other spaces,” she says.
In October 2021 the Paola Buenrostro Law was presented to formally recognise the crime of transfemicide.
The local deputy of Morena, Temístocles Villanueva, presented a package of bills to recognize the crime of transfeminicide as the Paola Buenrostro Law, in the Criminal Code of Mexico City, to impose penalties of 35 to 70 years in prison in the Mexican capital who commits the crime.
The package of initiatives presented on Tuesday in the Congress of Mexico City also includes the reform of the Civil Code, the Organic Law of the Prosecutor's Office and the Victims Law of CDMX. Included in the initiative are provisions to allow friends are allowed to claim a victim's body in cases where the family does not.
The bill adds Chapter VII to the Penal Code, section XIV Bis to article 3 of the Victims Law of Mexico City, section V to article 37 and sections XXIV, XXV, XXVI to article 65 of the Law. Organic of the Attorney General's Office (FGJ).
TvT partner organisation Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans & Processo, 04.09.2016