TDoR 2017 / 2016 / October / 13 / C. do Nascimento Rolim

C. do Nascimento Rolim

Age 19

13 Oct 2016
São Paulo (Brazil)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/13-Oct-2016/N.N./Sao Paulo

C. do Nascimento Rolim

C. was found dead inside an unattended police car parked in the 77th Police District (PD), in Santa Cecilia, in the center of São Paulo. Her death was ruled “suspicious”.

According to the ombudsman of the São Paulo State Police, Julio Cesar Neves, the “story was badly told”. The ombudsman wants to know if there has been an irregularity committed by a police officer. “It’s appalling to see a body inside a police car inside a police station parking lot and the Civil Police does not explain it right.”

A [trans woman] who did not have her identity revealed was found dead late Thursday morning (13) inside a vehicle of the Civil Police of Sao Paulo. The case happened in the 77th Police District, located at Glete Mall, 827, in the Santa Cecília neighborhood, west of the state capital.

According to the history of the occurrence, registered at the police station and to which the report of the portal RedeTV! had access, when two police officers would take the car to leave the DP, they realized that the [trans woman] was [dead] in the area reserved for prisoners. The car had damage to the windows, bodywork, lock and internal acrylic.

The section police chief, Marco Antonio Pereira, and the deputy chief Felipe Martins da Silva went to the DP, viewed the images from the police station's security cameras and reported no irregularities by police.

TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & Ponte, 13.10.2016

Report added: 1 Sep 2018. Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

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This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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