Name Unknown
13 Oct 2016
Sorocaba, São Paulo (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/13-Oct-2016/N.N./Sorocaba

The victim's body was found in the Sorocaba river with her head covered by a plastic bag. She had been suffocated.
A [woman] was found dead in a gallery of the Sorocaba River on the morning of Thursday (13) in Sorocaba (SP). According to police, the victim wore women's clothing and had her head covered in plastic.
According to delegate Acácio Leite, from the General Investigations Police Station (DIG), the body was located at Avenida Juvenal de Campos, in the Pinheiros neighborhood. The [woman] had no identity papers and had a tattoo on her back.
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & G1 Sorocaba e Jundiai, 13.10.2016