Bianca Bittencourt
Age 1917 Oct 2016
Natal, Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/31-Oct-2016/Bianca Bittencourt

Bianca was a beautician and had been missing for 3 days when she was found dead inside the house, hanged with her own belt. Before she was killed, a turned-on fan had been broken on her head, her genitals beaten and she had been electrocuted.
The body of a [trans woman] was found on Wednesday with signs of hanging inside a residence in the Brasil Novo complex, north of Natal. According to reports, since last Saturday ' Bianca ', as she was better known, had been missing.
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & ATransparĂȘnciaRN, 31.10.2016