TDoR 2017 / 2016 / October / 21 / Julia Sofia Marques Evangelista

Julia Sofia Marques Evangelista

Age 20

21 Oct 2016
Natal, Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/21-Oct-2016/Julia Sofia Marques Evangelista

Julia Sofia Marques Evangelista
Julia Sofia Marques Evangelista

Julia was stabbed by her partner with a kitchen knife. He was a drug user and according to Julia Sofía’s family the couple used to fight over the money needed to feed his addiction.

Julia Sofia, 20, died indoors, stabbed to death on Friday night (21) in the Nazaré district, Natal's West Zone. The victim's partner, suspected of the crime, was arrested in the act by the police. The young man is a drug user and, according to the Julia Sofia family, the couple's quarrels were usually over money to fuel the addiction.

TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & G1 RN, 22.10.2016

Report added: 1 Sep 2018. Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

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