Lorena Reyes Mantilla
Age 3224 Oct 2016
Santa Cruz de Ténérife, Canaries (Spain)
Beaten, stabbed and fell
TDoR list ref: tgeu/24-Oct-2016/Lorena Reyes Mantilla

Lorena was a sex worker. After being threatened, beaten and stabbed in the hand by a client, Lorena ran to her balcony and tried to escape to a neighbour’s flat, but unfortunately she fell from the third floor. She died in hospital.
A 36 year old man was subsequently arrested. His trial started in September 2018.
Lorena was born on 20th November 1986 in Ayacucho (a municipality in the state of Táchira), Venezuela. Her Facebook profile is https://www.facebook.com/karina.marquez.56829.
Lorena herself was aware that she played with fire. She knew that something could happen to her at any moment, even more serious than the brutal beatings and insults she had to endure since she was 16 years old when she knew that she liked men and wanted to be a woman.
Lorena had contracted death insurance a little over a year ago and instructed her brother Valdemar how she wanted her funeral to be in Venezuela. She even asked him to sing a mariachi during the funeral. Valdemar clarifies that this does not mean that his sister wanted to take his own life: "She never would have done it, she was a happy person, a fighter, with a lot of vitality, who had overcome so many dramatic situations that she could bear everything. desire to live", said Valdemar, in a telephone conversation from Venezuela.
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & Dos Manzanas, 25.10.2016