TDoR 2017 / 2016 / October / 27 / Evelyn Rojas

Evelyn Rojas

Age 26

27 Oct 2016
Posadas, Misiones (Argentina)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/27-Oct-2016/Evelyn Rojas

Evelyn Rojas
Evelyn Rojas

Evelyn’s brutally beaten body was found by a friend in a disused service station. She had been beaten on the face and head with a sharp object.

The [trans woman] killed yesterday in an abandoned service station in Posadas was half naked and totally defenseless when they attacked her with blows to the face with a blunt object. The fact that she was drunk further complicated her chances of defending herself against a brutal relentless and lethal attacker.

Evelyn Rojas (26) was found with a disfigured face near a disused filling station on avenidas Uruguay and Buchardo. Witnesses who testified said that she moved between the roundabout and that place to obtain clients.

In March 2022 Ramón Da Silva, 26, went on trial for Evelyn's murder. If convicted he faces the possibility of life imprisonment.

Five witnesses gave evidence on the third day of oral and public evidence into the murder of Evelyn Rojas. Several of the testimonies once again brought to the fore the violence that the victim suffered from Ramón "Ramoncito" or "Junior" Da Silva, the partner of the young trans [woman] at the time and the only defendant in the case.

Among the witnesses was Jeilin Rojas, Evelyn's sister who is also trans, who recounted the episodes of violence that both her and the victim suffered at the hands of Da Silva, who faces an accusation that can lead to life imprisonment.

Like her sister, the girl said that throughout her life she suffered discrimination from ssionary society, as a result of which she decided to go to Buenos Aires to forge a future different from that of Evelyn, who, faced with exclusion, began to work as sex worker.

Jeilin had to return to Posadas to appear as a witness before Criminal Court One. At the time of the oath, she stated forcefully: "I have come to tell the truth about what my sister suffered."

“On many occasions I suffered discrimination and she tried to calm me down. She was always on the side of peace. We were very close, very close friends, until she met this person. There she moved away from me a little, ”the girl began her story.

Jeilin then recalled the violent situations she witnessed. “It hurt me so much once when I came back from dinner and my mom told me that Evelyn had been beaten up. I was 16 or 17 years old and I entered her room. She was lying down with a rag on her face and he (Junior) was sitting next to her as if nothing had happened. I was so angry that I attacked him too, but he backed away and went back inside. I couldn't do anything but cry, ”he pointed out, his voice cracking .

The young woman added that Evelyn once told her that she suffered violence from Junior, but "she was afraid of him" and that is why she did not want complaints to be filed. She also recalled that the man forced her sister away from her friends and her inner circle.

In mid-March 2022 Ramón Da Silva was convicted of "homicide with femicide and a crime of gender hate and expression" and sentenced to life in prison.

Posadas Criminal Court No. 1 sentenced Ramón Da Silva to life in prison for homicide for femicide and a crime of gender hate and expression against Evelyn Rojas. Rojas was beaten to death by her partner in October 2016. “It is a very important precedent, especially for diversity: a before and after here in Misiones,” said the court prosecutor, Martín Rau, to Presentes.

This is the first sentence for a hate crime in the province of Misiones and the second in the country, after the conviction for the travesticidio of the activist Amancay Diana Sacayan on June 18, 2018. There, the Oral Criminal and Correctional Court No. 4 of the Federal Capital sentenced Gabriel David Marino to life imprisonment.

Report added: 1 Sep 2018. Last updated: 8 Oct 2022

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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