Joyce Horrarh Martins Siqueira
Age 3129 Oct 2016
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/29-Oct-2016/N.N./Belo Horizonte

Joyce was found with widespread burns inside the room where a fire had been started.
One person died in a fire inside a house in Carlos Prates neighborhood, Central-South Region of Belo Horizonte, early this morning (29). According to the Fire Department, the victim was a 31-year-old trans woman. The cause of the fire has not yet been clarified.
According to firefighters, the victim was found with widespread parts of the body burned inside the room where the fire had started. The emergency services attempted to resuscitate her for about 30 minutes until the doctor of the team of the Samu to verify the death.
Joyce was not identified in the offical TGEU TDoR 2017 list. Her identity and the cause of the fire was subsequently revealed as a result of a post in the Facebook group PGM:
"I do not know the cause but I know it was horrible, does anyone help to find out?"
"It happened in a town near to mine. A boy had fallen in love with a trans woman, got involved with her, then killed her because he didn't want others to find out."
Joyce's Facebook profile is
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & G1 MG, 29.10.2016