Paola Bracho
Age 2524 Nov 2016
Manaus, Amazonas (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/24-Nov-2016/Paola Bracho

Paola was killed by three men who took her into a room, suffocated her with tape and fled with cell phones and money.
The transvestite [deadname] Silveira Mamede, 25, better known as “Paola Bracho”, was killed by strangulation inside her house, at Rua da Paz, Crespo neighborhood in the South Zone of Manaus. The crime occurred around 5:30 pm on Thursday (24).
According to her family, the perpetrators of the murder are three boys who have been staying with the victim since last Tuesday (22). “They were living there with her, but we only knew them by sight. After killing [Paola], the three fled, ”said the victim's sister Karen Bianca Mamede.
Friends of “Paola” said that before committing the crime, the trio went to the victim's mother's house with her to eat. Two of the perpetrators were named as Bruno and Jhonny - a third party has not yet been identified.
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & Expresso AM, 24.11.2016