TDoR 2017 / 2016 / December / 01 / Marilia Lamdi

Marilia Lamdi

Age 36

1 Dec 2016
Várzea Paulista, São Paulo (Brazil)

Marilia Lamdi
Marilia Lamdi [photo:]

Marilia died by suicide.

Mystery marks Marília's death

Itatiba delegate, Doctor Marco Antônio, determined the city's investigators to find out the causes of the death of Marilia Lima Landi, aged 36, which took place on Thursday afternoon.

According to neighbors, in the middle of the afternoon Marília fell from the 8th floor of a building where she resided, in the neighborhood of Santo Antônio. Her body was sent to the Jundiaí Legal Medical Institute (IML).

Marília was transgender.

Marilia's Facebook profile is

Report added: 9 Nov 2020

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

Please continue with caution.


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