Yadira Lopez Marroquin
Age 1716 Apr 2017
Monterrey, Nuevo León (Mexico)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/16-Apr-2017/Yadira Lopez Marroquin
Yadira entered the Hotel Venecia with a man who left the hotel 20 minutes later leaving her body behind. She had been asphixiated.
Yadira López Marroquín was a 17-year-old transgender woman from Villa Juarez, Nuevo Leon, and like many transgender women, she worked in sex work in the center of Monterrey, due to the difficulties she faced in getting a job in the locality.
On Sunday night she was seen entering a hotel in the downtown area with a man who, twenty minutes after entering, ran out of the hotel. Some time later Yadira was found dead in the room.
Three days later on Wednesday, 19th April, people from the trans population with banners reading "Ni una menos" and "Vivas lo quieresmos" demonstrated at the State Attorney's Office to demand justice for Yadira's transfeminicide.