Xaynna Shayuri Morganna (“Lili”)
Age 4127 Aug 2017
Cachoeira, Bahia (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/27-Aug-2017/Lilly
Lili was last seen alive at around 10pm running in front of the city forum. Several minutes later she was found shot dead in a fetal position on the banks of the Paraguaçu River in a busy area near the town square.
According to the police, preliminary investigations suggest out that Lili was killed by three men who were in a silver-colored Honda Civic car.
Lili was president of the Gay Group of Cachoeira Association and since 2010 had been one of the organisers of the Cachoeira LGBT pride parade. As a result of her death, the 2017 Pride (which was due to happen on 15th October 2017) was cancelled.