Age 3229 Sep 2017
Arnhem, Gelderland (Netherlands)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/29-Sep-2017/Bianca
Bianca was a sex worker, and had rented a house in Arnhem to work from. On her first day there she was stabbed over twenty times by her first customer (and potentially one or more accomplices). The house was reported to be full of bloodstains, and police have apprehended one suspect.
I do not know whether to vomit, scream or cry. For the murder, with all the gruesome details of blood traces on walls and paving stones, to the tone and word choice of this article that this woman is deprived of every dignity, respect, humanity and identity.
Bianca, dear editorial of the Gelderlander, was a woman who had probably been victim of her entire life for people who did not take it as full?—?not as a woman and not as a person. Bianca was not a man who looked utterly like a woman, she was a woman, perhaps more aware of her femininity than most women ever will be, and paid the highest possible price with her death. What she has between her legs does not appeal to a reader. This makes the editors guilty of sexual objectification.
The reason why so many female trans persons work in prostitution is equally painful: they are not accepted for any other profession. Not even in the Netherlands. Transgender people do not have the greatest arrears and the weakest financial position of all groups in our society for good reason. Imaging is thereby all-determining. And let the media now constantly miss the shelf.
TvT project: Gelderlander, 30.09.2017