Eduarda Fernanda Cordeiro
Age 222 Nov 2017
Missal, Paraná (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/2-Nov-2017/Eduarda Fernanda Cordeiro
Eduarda was found in a ditch near the city cemetery. She had head wounds which suggested she was beaten to death.
The body of a [trans woman] was found in a ditch near a cemetery in Missal, municipality 70 kilometers from Foz do Iguaçu, in eastern Paraná. The [trans woman] was covered with clay and lifeless. She was found by a resident who approached the military police to report the incident.
Criminalistics and IML have already been on the scene and noticed injuries to the victim's head. The [trans woman] was a resident of São Miguel do Iguaçu and used the social name Eduarda Fernanda. By early afternoon, family members were expected to have officially identified the body so that it can later be released for the funeral.
Her Facebook profile is
IBTE & G1 Oeste e Sudeste 02.11.2017