Grechen Alina Lara García
Age 408 Apr 2018
Guadalupe, Nuevo León (Mexico)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/9-Apr-2018/Grechen Alina Lara García
Grechen’s body was found naked in her bedroom. She had been strangled.
“How would you feel if a relative of yours died with signs of torture and the media did not even bother to write her name correctly? Grechen Alina was strangled in her own home and the Monterrey media did not even have the respect to get her name right; where they should have written ‘trans woman’, they wrote ‘man’. Grechen was famous for her performances, particularly for her impersonations of Lorena Herrera. Her neighbors describe her as a very responsible woman, capable of waking up very early on a Sunday, even though her Saturday shows usually ended very late.”
Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans & desastre MX, 10.05.2018