TDoR 2018 / 2018 / May / 30 / Marty Dragonova

Marty Dragonova

Age 20

30 May 2018
Cardiff, Wales (United Kingdom)

Marty Dragonova

Marty died by overdosing on caffeine drinks and tablets. A coroner said it was clear that he intended to take his own life.

He was pronounced dead at 2am on Wednesday 30th May.

Marty was originally from Sofia in Bulgaria and had been studying English and French literature at Cardiff University. He had been diagnosed with gender dysphoria by a GP in 2017 and referred to an NHS gender identity clinic.

It is not known whether NHS waiting lists, treatment delays or the way he was treated by clinicians contributed to his suicide, but sadly this has to be a distinct possibility - two months earlier Jacob Whelan had died by suicide in the same city after struggling with long NHS treatment delays.


In a written statement provided to the court, Marty's father Marian Dragonova described Marty as having an "interest in languages, particularly English and French" and said Marty had wanted to study in the UK for years.

Assistant Coroner Graeme Hughes said it was clear that Marty intended to take their own life.

He said: "On the 29th of May, [he] had consumed an extremely high amount of caffeine with the intention to take [his] own life.

"[He] was discovered by [his] flatmate and [he] was taken to hospital but died shortly after. My conclusion is that how Marty came about [his] death is one of suicide."

For confidential support call the Samaritans on 116123 or visit a local Samaritans branch. Visit for more details.

Report added: 20 Sep 2018. Last updated: 16 Jul 2019

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This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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