Itzel Aidana Ávila
Age 337 Oct 2018
Fresnillo, Zacatecas (Mexico)

Itzel died by suicide several days after publishing a viral video admonishing Lupita Jones for speaking out against the participation of trans women in the Miss Universe contest.
"Just let me tell you one thing, Mrs. Lupita Jones, it takes a lot of courage, it takes a lot of strength and a lot of character to be able to be that person with whom you identify yourself. Thank God that she were born with a part between her legs that identified with with her personality, unfortunately we do not, but that does not make us less than anyone.
"Please, look very closely at what she says, because thanks to those thoughts, thanks to these opinions, many people commit suicide, many people feel rejected and humiliated, many people are suffering in the flesh, live the hell of being in a body that does not it belongs.
"I invite her to know us a little bit more and she will realize that each of us has something in common: discrimination, rejection, transphobia, all those people who come to mock us and even close doors even to us. Jobs, government institutions, many things that we are entitled to as human beings. No one has the moral quality to judge whether a trans person is a woman or not.
"What a pity that we have such great representatives with such mediocre mentalities."
Itzel's Facebook profile is