Jessica Gonzaga
16 Oct 2018
São Paulo (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/16-Oct-2018/Jessica Gonzaga
Jessica was attacked in front of a bar in Largo do Arouche at around 4:50am by a group of men. A witness reported hearing them screaming abuse and the name "Bolsonaro".
After being stabbed she managed to walk to a nearby hotel where security guards called the emergency services. She was taken to hospital, but died en-route.
Armando Vila Real Filho, 28, was arrested for her murder.
"She was with four or five men in front of the bar, and from there I began to hear screams, an argument, a fight." They called her various names, verbal assaults, and shouted 'Bolsonaro', "he said.
The witness reported that the men then fled and she heard the victim asking for help, saying that she "was going to die."
She did not carry identity documents so her full identity was unknown at first. Initial reports identified her as "Priscilla" or "Vanessa" - the former appears to be the name of a witness.
Nelson Matias Pereira, a founding partner of the NGO APOLGBT (LGBT Pride Parade Association of São Paulo), says that he has contacted other LGBT entities to form a network and identify the victim within ten days, a deadline given by IML ). "We are making a task force with other moves to find someone who knows or identifies [the body]."
Nelson says he does not even know the name of the victim. "I first heard a lot of Priscilla, then Vanessa."
According to the Secretariat of Public Security, she did not have any documents on her when she was taken to hospital, and no one claimed her body from the IML [mortuary]. Fingerprinting was not sufficient to discover her identity - which indicates that her documents must have been issued in another state.