Patricia Aylen Molina
16 Oct 2018
Villa Bonich, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/16-Oct-2018/Patricia Aylen Molina
![Patricia Aylen Molina](/data/photos/2018_10_15_Patricia-Aylen-Molina-Dolezal.jpg)
Patricia and her former partner Victoria Fabro, 22, were both found shot dead in a car. Each had sustained a gunshot wound to the head. Patricia was a police officer.
Their deaths were initially suspected to have been by suicide, but as the murder weapon was not found in the vehicle the case was subsequently investigated as murder.
Patricia Aylén Molina Dolezal, a transgender officer of the province's police and her alleged ex-partner, a 22-year-old girl identified as Victoria Fabro, were found in the town of Villa Bonich inside a car, covered in blood and each with a shot at the height of the temple.
Patricia had only recently transitioned. cabeza-a-una-policia-trans-y-a-una-joven-dentro-de-un-auto-estan-internadas-en-estado- grave-sucesos.html