Karla López Laureano
Age 3715 Nov 2018
La Esperanza District, Trujillo, La Libertad (Peru)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/18-Nov-2018/Karla Lopez Laureano
Karla was strangled in her room with an electricity cable. Her body was found by her brother the following morning when he went to wake her for breakfast.
Karla was a stylist. The last time she was seen alive she was with a man with whom she was in a relationship.
Karla was buried with her social name "and that is a great step that we have been able to make, the family was sensitized and chose to have that name placed on the cross to respect their identity," Revilla said.
Representatives from the Trans Women's Network of La Libertad told Presentes that this is the second murder of a trans woman in less than 15 days.
On November 3, Brenda Zarit Sifuentes Andrade, 36 years old, was murdered. Brenda was stabbed and beheaded inside her house, also in the district of La Esperanza.