Litzy Hurtado
Age 2417 Dec 2018
El Alto, Le Paz (Bolivia)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/17-Dec-2018/Litzy Hurtado

Litzy was stabbed in the heart inside a nightclub in El Alto. Another trans woman who was with her was cut several times on the face but survived.
Reportedly both had been on the receiving end of harassment and insults from a group of young men.
"They were treated as queers, they tried to defend themselves but the group of men had knives," the spokesperson for the Organization of Night Workers of Bolivia, Lily Cortez, told Efe.
Five suspects were identified via CCTV footage and subsequently arrested.
Éxito Noticias, December 24, 2018.- On Monday, the police presented those responsible for the murder of Litzi, a Santa Cruz trans woman who worked in the city of El Alto. Jhonny Aguilera, departmental director of the Special Anti-Crime Force (FELCC), reported that in this case, five people were apprehended, of whom two are minors.
Omar Flores Coaquira, alias "el Omarito" was identified as the one responsible for the crime. "He was the one who caused the mortal injury in the victim," said the police authority in time to explain that in his possession were found the screwdriver with which Litzi Hurtado was murdered, and the clothes he wore on the day of the murder.
Aguilera said that the murderer is a minor and that he belonged to a delinquent gang that was engaged in robbing passers-by in the vicinity of the Ceja de El Alto. He identified Jerson Paniagua Camargo as the leader of the group.
The event took place at dawn on Monday, December 17. Litzy Hurtado was stabbed to death in the Chocolate disco of Franco Valle Street.