TDoR 2019 / 2018 / December / 20 / Name Unknown

Name Unknown

20 Dec 2018
Jujuy (Argentina)

Name Unknown

The victim died by suicide. Reportedly she was homeless and someone had taken pictures of her sleeping rough, posted them to social networks and made fun of her.

Lourdes Ibarra commented in statements to the newspaper JUJUY AL DÍA® that "she came from a context of discrimination on the part of her family, had her living in vulnerable conditions and that was added to that the weekend had gone on a social network, because They took a couple of photos sleeping in the bus terminal, and there were posts in the social networks, all making fun of her."

"The compañera did not resist this discrimination, the insults and the pressure she had been feeling and made the decision to take her own life. On Thursday morning they found her. "

Ibarra said that in Jujuy, so far this year "around 20 trans women" had died for different reasons.

On the circumstances of this woman, she expressed "I think it has to do with starting to think that the other person feels, and that everything we do, which may seem like a joke, the other person may not take it that way, and added to everything the complex of being trans, of living in such a patriarchal and macho society, that people do not measure it, they take it as a joke, but this continues to demonstrate what the trans population census speaks, that 86% of us live situations of discrimination on a public road".

Report added: 16 Apr 2019. Last updated: 16 Jul 2019

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This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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