Melissa Brunely
Age 2029 Dec 2018
Linhares, Espírito Santo (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/28-Dec-2018/Melissa Brunely
Melissa was run over twice on the BR-101 highway. It appears that she may have been killed elsewhere beforehand and her body then dumped on the highway.
Two cars then ran over her body, crushing her skull. The second was a police vehicle.
The car that passed over the body did not have blood marks on the front or side. The victim had her skull crushed, but this, according to the theory of the denunciations, occurred before the trampling. "The body was thrown in the middle of the runway to look like it was an accident," commented one reader.
Shortly before she died she had reportedly had an argument with a man in a shop.
Melissa's Facebook profile is Note that some reports name her as Adriano Rangel, but Melissa Brunely is the name on her Facebook account.