Amy Griffiths
Age 5114 Jan 2019
Droitwich, Worcestershire (United Kingdom)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/14-Jan-2019/Amy Griffiths

Amy was found dead in her flat with head and throat injuries on the night of Monday 14th January. Martin Saberi, 53, has been charged with her murder.
Connor Turner, one of Amy's friends, said the 51-year-old was a 'hero' in the local LGBT community.
He added: "She didn't have a selfish bone in her body. She helped me through some difficult times when I was younger.
"I knew her from when I was 15-years-old. I ended up on the streets for a bit. She found me outside a local shopping market and offered to cook me tea.
"Our friendship blossomed, she taught me how to love myself and care for myself. At the time I was coming out as bisexual.
"I was absolutely devastated when I heard about her death. I'm heartbroken."
Saberi confessed to the murder just before his trial was due to start in February 2021.
Martin Saberi, 55, initially pleaded not guilty to Griffiths’ murder after she was found dead in her flat in Worcester, England, on 14 January, 2019.
He entered a guilty plea on Monday (15 February) just before the murder trial was due to begin in Worcester Crown Court, according to Worcester News.
The trial was due to begin at 10am, but technical issues pushed it back by four hours as court staff struggled to get a video link to work.
An alternative method was eventually found, which allowed Saberi to enter his guilty plea. As a result, the trial was called off as a jury was no longer needed.
On 11th March 2021 Saberi was jailed for life for her murder at Worcester Crown Court. He was also sentenced to life for the butal stabbing of a woman in London just two days earlier. Although she survived, Amy was not so lucky.