Maxim Brizuela
Age 2228 Feb 2019
La Matanza Partido, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/28-Feb-2019/Maxim Brizuela
Maxim was shot. She was one of four trans women who were killed after accusing several high-grade police officers of people trafficking.
Four trans girls were killed for reporting the police In two months, four sex workers were killed in Camino de Cintura. Two of them had denounced police in a cause for trafficking, while the other two had suffered threats.
Pamela Arancini was 40 years old, Maxim Brizuela 22, Marilin Sosa 32 and Laly Heredia 36. All were sex workers in Camino de Cintura , in La Matanza party, province of Buenos Aires . Three of them were shot while they worked and their bodies were abandoned on the road. A Marilin 's run over a year ago and died on 16 December in the Hospital of Florencio Varela.
All of them were killed along the Way. Two of them were witnesses in a cause of trafficking network where Buenos Aires police chiefs were involved and had already declared. The other two had been threatened with death for not wanting to pay the police.
The case investigated by Cecilia Incardona , in charge of the Federal Prosecutor's Office No. 2 of Lomas de Zamora, involves seven police officers, most of them high-ranking: Commissioner Inspector Nicolás Félix Breglia, Deputy Commissioner Patricio Miguel Kearny Herrera (both of Commando de Patrullas de Avellaneda), the deputy commissioner Javier Alejandro Caffarena (chief of the Llavallol branch), first lieutenant Jorge Abel Virreira and the officers César Pérez (chief of the Llavallol street), Braian Fabián Robledo (of Llavallol) and the officer main Claudia Yamila Ferrando (from Avellaneda). While Commissioner Héctor Coquena of the District Office of Ezeiza, also charged, remains fugitive.
Seven police officers were subsequently jailed, most of them high-ranking: Commissioner Inspector Nicolás Félix Breglia, Deputy Commissioner Patricio Miguel Kearny Herrera (both of the Patrol Command of Avellaneda), Deputy Commissioner Javier Alejandro Caffarena (head of the branch of Llavallol), first lieutenant Jorge Abel Virreira and the officers César Pérez (Llavallol street chief), Braian Fabián Robledo (of Llavallol) and the principal officer Claudia Yamila Ferrando (of Avellaneda). Commissioner Héctor Coquena of the District Headquarters of Ezeiza was also charged and remains a fugitive.