Maria Paula Murillo Reyes
Age 355 Mar 2019
San José (Costa Rica)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/5-Mar-2019/Maria Paula Murillo Reyes

María was murdered while working. After her death the commissioner of LGBTI Affairs of the Presidential House called for trans people to be respected in society.
San José, Mar 7 ( - The commissioner of LGBTI Affairs of the Presidential House, Luis Salazar, dedicated a few words to the recent murder of a trans woman in Costa Rica.
The victim was María Paula Murillo Reyes, who was murdered on March 5 while working in the sex trade.
"Trans people walk a highly dangerous path since childhood: expulsion from their homes, school exclusion, sexual exploitation or trade, unemployment, street violence, daily discrimination to put simple examples are risk factors and exclusion that end with a project of life at a young age," Salazar added.
For its part, the NGO Transvida asked that the identity of Murillo Reyes be respected, since in some press releases she has been described as a 'man' or they have used their previous name [i.e. deadname] to mention her.
Transvida said that if these actions continue in the media, they will carry out a sit-in in their buildings or take legal measures.
Maria had transitioned 20 years earlier and had alsways been supported by her family. Like many trans women in Latin America, she had to earn her living through the sex rrade.
Carlos Murillo Reyes, the brother of the victim, spoke with DIARIO EXTRA and explained that the now deceased was born [trans], and 20 years earlier had decided to change gender. Recently she had earned her living as a sex worker.
“She was born under the name [deadname] on September 4, 1983 and was 35 years old. She was a person who did countless things, including selling as a merchant and even an astrologer. She was a great human being, a great sister - because for us she was a woman,” he said.
He added that María Paula always lived alone, but for three weeks had resided in López Mateo de San Sebastián, where her mother's house is located.
“She was always very attentive and loving. She was a person who defended everyone. She was the first to arrive when someone had a problem because she had a very strong character (…) Never in the family did she step aside because of the way she was or because of her [gender]. She was always supported,” he said.