Patricia Rafaela dos Santos Camargo
Age 2430 Mar 2019
Sarandi, Paraná (Brazil)
Run over
TDoR list ref: tgeu/30-Mar-2019/Patricia Rafaela dos Santos Camargo and tgeu/30-Mar-2019/J. W. dos Santos Camargo

Patricia was run over by a truck on Jardim Bela Vista early on Saturday 30th March. The driver fled the scene but subsequently, a man confessed to running her over on purpose.
One witness told the reporter Theddy Gonçalves that just prior to the accident, there was an argument between the victim and the truck driver. Then the witness heard a loud noise, and when they went to see what had happened, they found the victim dead.
On 9th May Murilo Eduardo Rolemberg Guimarães, 45, was arrested in the city of Itororó, Bahia. On 27th May 2021 he was sentenced to 14 years in prison.
The trial of truck driver Murilo Eduardo Rollemberg Guimarães, accused of running over and killing a transvestite, was held on Thursday, 27, at the Sarandi Jury Tribunal. He was sentenced to 14 years in prison.
The crime took place on March 30, 2019. According to the police investigation, the [trans woman] Patrícia Rafaela dos Santos was run over by Murilo after an argument.
Murilo fled to Bahia, but was preventively arrested in May 2019. And since then he has been detained. The crime was solved with the help of images from security cameras.
At the trial, Murilo was heard by videoconference. He was sentenced to 14 years' imprisonment for qualified homicide in a closed regime.