Brenda Plaza Vallejos
Age 428 Apr 2019
Valparaíso (Chile)

Brenda's body was found at around 10:30pm near Cerro Polanco (Polanco Hill). She had been stabbed in the abdomen.
One of the first people to arrive at the scene was Zuliana Araya, a trans councilor from Valparaíso and president of the Aphrodite Trade Union. "I never imagined it could be Brenda. I know the family and this hurts me a lot," she said, adding that Brenda was a sex worker.
Brenda's mother Gloria Vallejos, said: "Brenda was brutally killed. I want justice for her, I want it to be known who killed her this way, that they do not go unpunished, and ask that the authorities help with this."
Brenda was visiting the city and had only arrived three weeks earlier. She lived in Iquique.