Kenia Hilton
Age 2815 Apr 2019
Ciudad de Mexico (Mexico)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/15-Apr-2019/Kenia Hilton
Kenia's body was thrown from a bridge. An autopsy suggested that she had been tortured and killed beforehand.
She was one of three trans women murdered in the city in less than 30 days.
The trans community is in mourning, there is a new wave of murders in Mexico.
Mexican human rights and trans activists are on the alert over transfemicides in the last month: there were three in less than 30 days. This was reported by the CAIT (Center for Identity Support Trans A.C.) and the Trans Youth Network. On Monday they approached COPRED (Council to prevent and eliminate discrimination in Mexico City) to request measures.
"We ask COPRED to make a legal opinion with the Attorney General's Office and these cases. That gender identity is recognized, that it is not discriminated against and that relatives are not revictimized," trans activist Jessica Marjane told Presentes.
One of the victims has not yet been identified. They found her body on March 15 on a public road in Gustavo Madero (north of CDMX).
On April 17, Tamara was found dead in a hotel in Iztapalapa. Activists are getting in contact with her relatives.
On April 15, they found Kenia Hilton, a 28-year-old girl, dead in Álvaro Obregón. They threw Kenia from a bridge and she fell into the yard of a house. According to the autopsy, she was tortured and killed before she was thrown. Kenya had done sex work but now she took care of her nephew. The police did not want to classify her killing as a hate crime because they said that she was a prostitute.