Britany Sanchez Zárate
Age 2026 May 2019
Misantla, Veracruz (Mexico)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/26-May-2019/Britany

Britany was shot twice by two assailants in a sports field in colonia Arroyo Frío. Days beforehand she had been crowned princess of the Gay Carnival of Misantla.
This Sunday a transgender woman was murdered while she was in a sports field located in colonia Arroyo Frío, in the municipality of Misantla, Veracruz. Days before being attacked, the trans woman had been crowned princess of the Gay Carnival of the municipality; she was known to enjoy in participating in this type of event.
Britany Sanchez Zárate was 20 years old and according to local media was attacked by two subjects who came directly to her to shoot him with a .38 caliber pistol.
The woman received two gunshot wounds that took her life. The attack was recorded at around 1830 hours.
According to witnesses, those who witnessed the attack fled in terror to later call the police authorities of the municipality. When the police arrived and the elements of the medical service confirmed the death of the woman, whose body was taken to the Forensic Medical Service.