TDoR 2019 / 2019 / May / 26 / Gala Estefanía Perea

Gala Estefanía Perea

Age 19

26 May 2019
San Isidro de Lules, Tucumán (Argentina)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/26-May-2019/Gala Estefanía Perea

Gala Estefanía Perea
Gala Estefanía Perea [photo:]

Gala was strangled by her partner after an argument. Neighbours called the police after hearing her screaming.

A trans girl was murdered. It happened in a house on Calle Eliseo Cantón at 100, in the city of San Isidro de Lules. A person was apprehended who had a relationship with the victim.

According to some witnesses, the couple had an argument and neighbors called the police. When the police entered the house they found the victim without vital signs. She had been strangled.

The 42 year old alleged partner of the trans girl was arrested. The Public Prosecutor's Office and the Police continue to investigate the case.

Victor Exequiel Natalio Martinez, 42, was arrested for her murder. His sister Ángela said this of him: "My brother was always a violent person. He had no affection for anyone. Hit even the dogs. It's ugly for all of us and especially for me because he's my brother, but hey ... He has to pay for the crime he committed."

According to her relatives, Gala had been forced into sex work by the man who ultimately murdered her.

“Gala was looking for work but couldn't find it, she was unemployed. She prostituted herself because her partner demanded it to have more money: that was told by the detainee's own sister.

Today trans women continue to be discriminated against and killed; It is ugly that society does nothing to stop this, ”Perea began. The woman broke down in tears when she was asked about the measures of a minimum 1% of trans workforce that were ordered for the employees of some public institutions such as the City Council Deliberative and Justice. “I was very satisfied that they are starting to accept trans people.

My sister will not be able to enjoy it, but I know that this would make her very happy, that everyone can work like anyone else, "she said through tears.

In October 2021, Victor Ezequiel Martínez, 45, was sentenced to life imprisonment for her murder.

In an abbreviated trial, Víctor Ezequiel Martínez, 45, was sentenced to life imprisonment for the crime of aggravated homicide and for premediated gender violence (according to art. 80 inc 1 and 11 of the Penal Code) for the murder of Gala Perea, a youn trans woman of 19.

According to her sisters, Gala had been in a relationship with Martínez since she was 15 years old. He lived with his mother and father in Famaillá, on weekends she would travel to Lules and stay a few days at Martínez's place.

"We never liked him," says [redacted] del Valle Perea, Gala's older sister. "You could see in his face that he was a cold person, he was scary." More than once we asked her to leave him, to walk away, to find someone else who would not hurt her. "She was very young and naive," she said. He was twice her age.

Her family saw her with bruises and marks on her arms. In fact, [her sister] remembers that Gala once wanted to make a complaint at the Lules Police Station, but they would not take it. “The note was not taken to the police station. As women they sometimes don't give importance to us, and much less to trans women. Justice is there for when they kill you, there they go to pick you up, when it's too late. The State is absent, not only with Gala, but with many girls who have been through the same situation."

Report added: 28 May 2019. Last updated: 12 Nov 2021

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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