TDoR 2019 / 2019 / June / 02 / Mayte Castro Anay ("Pamela")

Mayte Castro Anay ("Pamela")

Age 24

2 Jun 2019
Guayaquil, Guayas (Ecuador)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/3-Jun-2019/Mayte Castro Anay

Mayte Castro Anay ("Pamela")
Mayte Castro Anay ("Pamela") [photo:]

Mayte ("Pamela") and her friend Miranda ("Chiqui") were shot in the head after attending a football match. A witness reported seeing motorcycles leaving the scene.

Pamela and Chiqui had been friends for several years. Both were buried on the same day.

"I found out that when they got to the soccer championship they had a fight with some men, who did not want my daughter and her friend to be in that place having fun," said Pamela's mother.

According to a source, when they were leaving on their motorcycle, four subjects on two other motorcycles began to follow them.

"As they passed [El Empalme], their attackers intercepted them and shot them in the head," he said. "This was not about stealing their belongings because they were undisturbed when they found their bodies."

Mía Casandra Bustamante Martínez, a stylist from Guayaquil, said her friend Chiqui was charismatic, cheerful, and always willing to help the community.

"The murder of these girls was not because of robbery, it was homophobic. A few days ago a girl from Durán was killed, we want this to stop!"

Pamela's Facebook profile is

Report added: 7 Jun 2019. Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

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