Max Chesham
Age 2520 Jul 2019
Northwich, Cheshire (United Kingdom)

Max died by suicide after an argument with his partner. At the time he was recovering from top surgery and.
A British trans man committed suicide, after suffering episodes of depression, during his gender transition process. He was 25 years old and had just had surgery to remove breast tissue.
This is Max Cresham, who showed on social networks what his process was like. Last July, he was found hanged, after an argument with his partner, according to the British newspaper Daily Mail.
The authorities who knew him and dealt with him, in the clinic where his treatment was carried out, maintain that they had no record of presenting suicidal or depressive thoughts.
However, his mother made a statement, where he said that his transgender son had been diagnosed with depression and anxiety before beginning his gender change process.
“He had started taking hormones, which caused acne to develop. This was so severe that it changed his mood and he took medication to treat it”, she said.