J. A. Cermeño Medina
Age 317 Aug 2019
Maracay, Aragua (Venezuela)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/7-Aug-2019/J. A. Cermeño Medina
J.'s body was found on the street and was subsequently identified by relatives. She had been shot 3 times.
Around 10:30 pm last Wednesday, the body of a [trans woman] was found in the center of Avenida Bolívar de Maracay, a few meters from the Pérez Almarza Boulevard. The body had wounds caused by three shots, one of them near her neck.
She wore a black dress, black lycra and black booties. Her physical features are dark complexion, thin build, long hair, false eyelashes and a tattoo at hip height. She had had several surgical interventions.
The motive for the murder is unknown, in addition to who the material perpetrators are. It is expected that in the next few days the individual will be identified by relatives.
The victim was subsequently identified as [deadname] Cermeño Medina, 31, a native of Caracas.