Carolline Dias
Age 277 Sep 2019
Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/7-Sep-2019/Carolinne Dias

Carolline was shot in the street at around 5:30am on Saturday 7th September. She died in hospital.
A 27-year-old transgender girl was killed late on Saturday in Santa Maria. The case would have happened around the corner of Presidente Vargas and Borges de Medeiros avenues. The case happened at 5:30 am.
According to preliminary information, the victim was shot with a bullet that hit her in the back. She was rescued by popular and the Mobile Emergency Service (Samu) was called. She was taken to the Santa Maria University Hospital (Husm), but could not resist and died.
According to witnesses, she was a [sex worker] and made point at the scene. A man fired and fled on foot toward Avenida Medianeira. Two friends of the victim who were at the scene witnessed the scene and tried to help the young woman, identified as Carolline Dias:
"A man had approached Carol to do a program. I don't know what happened, but then he just arrived and shot point blank. When we saw it, it was falling to the floor. I panicked, we said, "React, Carol!" But the bullet pierced her lung. It was cowardly, I'm sure it was really a slaughter, ”said a witness, who prefers not to be identified.
According to Carolline's friend, she lived in Três Lagos (MS) and came to Santa Maria for a season:
"She ended up liking the city. Anyone who knows Carol knows that she is a wonderful person, does not wish anyone harm and is super reserved. I'll miss her." commented her friend.
Caroline's Facebook profile is