Emmanuelle Agostinho da Silva Barros ("Manu")
Age 2518 Sep 2019
Santo André, São Paulo (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/19-Sep-2019/Emmanuelle Agostinho da Silva Barros ""Manu""
Emmanuelle was stabbed in the neck by a client. They had argued after he refused to pay her.
A [trans woman] was killed in the early hours of this Wednesday (18/09) on Avenida Industrial in Santo André.
The aggressor was arrested by PMs (Military Police) of the 10th Battalion of Santo André. He is trucker Ozail Ferreira Vilar, 37 years old.
According to the attacker's statement, theft was attempted and he allegedly acted in self-defense.
The [trans woman] sustained a knife wound to the neck and was also found with bruises on the face.