Yoselín Marín Velasco
Age 2828 Sep 2019
Cali, Valle del Cauca (Colombia)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/28-Sep-2019/Yoselin Martín Velasco
Yoselin's body was found with gunshot wounds on a public road in the early hours of Saturday 28th September.
Her body was found on public roads in the south of Cali, she was identified as a trans woman.
In the La Independencia neighborhood in Cali, the police found Yoselín's body on public roads, had gunshot wounds, the Lgbti Community in the department confirmed that it was one of its members, a trans woman and that the crime be investigated.
All the police know so far is that Yoselin was with several people when the aggression occurred.
Yoselin was a beautician.