Age 1830 Oct 2019
Llíria, Valencia (Spain)

Edu took her own life, apparently after suffering harassment and bullying over an extended period.
The Civil Guard and the Court of Instruction No. 3 of Llíria are investigating whether harassment and teasing have been the trigger for a young transsexual from Llíria to take her own life last Wednesday afternoon. The agents of the Judicial Police team of the capital of the Camp de Túria have already begun the procedures to cite friends, fellow students and relatives as witnesses, to investigate to what extent [transphobia] in her immediate surroundings could have been a trigger in her decision to take her own life.
The young woman, who had been in treatment for some time and had already taken the first steps to face the change of sex after turning 18, took her own life on Tuesday, after being alone at the home of a friend in Llíria with whom she was spending the afternoon.
Hours after her death, many people expressed their solidarity with the girl and her family in social networks - mainly WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram - and criticized the mockery that the young woman had been subjected to.
In fact, Levante-EMV has been able to verify the succession of insults, teasing and criticism that the young woman had been enduring for months every time she posted videos and photographs on one of her social network accounts doing what she liked most: playing songs of her favorite artists. The young woman was a great follower of the talent show La Voz.
Once these suspicions of harassment have been confirmed, the judge and the Civil Guard will seek testimonies, especially from close friends, to be able to confirm if that pressure acted as a trigger to convince her to end her life, something she did while her friend was absent for a few minutes.
It will also be investigated if it is true that she suffered aggressions from relatives in her home environment, and if so whether they were prompted by her decision to [live as herself].
The Civil Guard will also track comments on the social networks of the young woman, mainly on Facebook and Instagram, in which she received insults and mockery regarding her transsexuality. Some of those comments date back more than a year, which shows that he had been suffering from this situation for a long time.
If the agents manage to prove the relationship between harassment and death, the case could end up being instructed as a hate crime.