TDoR 2020 / 2019 / November / 22 / Rafaela de Salles

Rafaela de Salles

Age 26

22 Nov 2019
Linhares, Espirito Santo (Brazil)
Run over

TDoR list ref: tgeu/22-Nov-2019/Rafaella Sales

Rafaela de Salles

Rafaela was run over by a truck. Reportedly she was holding onto the door of the vehicle and arguing with the driver at the time.

A [trans woman] identified as Rafaela died on the morning of Friday (22) after being hit by a truck in downtown Linhares-ES.

According to the initial information, the [trans woman] had been arguing with the truck driver and at some point had hung on the door of the vehicle.

It was at this moment that she suffered a fall and was hit by the vehicle itself. According to information, the transvestite was operating in the vicinity of a gas station, on the banks of BR 101, near the Joaquim Calmon bridge.

Emergency fire brigade professionals were called in and sent the transvestite to the Linhares General Hospital (HGL), but she could not resist the injuries and died. The Military Police were also triggered by residents of the region.

Report added: 24 Nov 2019. Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

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This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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