Cristi Conde Vásquez
Age 2819 Dec 2019
El Salvador
TDoR list ref: tgeu/19-Dec-2019/Cristi Conde Vásquez

Cristi was forcibly abducted and shot 5 times.
Cristi Conde Vásquez, a 28-year-old trans woman, was murdered on Thursday, December 19. She was persecuted and taken to a place where she was shot about five times, according to a report by the National Civil Police. It is the eighth murder recorded in 2019 to a trans woman. The police quickly confirmed the murder to a local journalist but the judiciary is not yet investigating the case.
Carlos Rodríguez, deputy attorney for the defense of civil and individual rights, told Presentes: “As Attorney General's Office for the defense of human rights we have indicated with absolute concern the ineffectiveness of the authorities in charge of guaranteeing access to justice. In these cases we have indicated that the actions of the authorities are slow or omitted in these cases ”
“The qualifications that are given, as in the case of Anahy, prosecutor opted not to qualify the crime as a hate crime. The prosecutor's office in almost all cases fails to apply the aggravating circumstance of hate crime,” he added.
Bianka Rodríguez, director of the Association Communicating and Training Trans Women (COMCAVIS TRANS), informed Presentes that Cristi Conde was originally from Las Isletas, department of La Paz, 53 kilometers south east of the capital of El Salvador. She worked in mobile commerce, one of the main sources of income of the trans population.