Name Unknown
3 Jan 2020
Zacatelco, Tlaxcala (Mexico)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/3-Jan-2020/Name Unknown

The victim's body was found on a construction site on 3rd Tuesday January. She had been reported missing since 30th December 2019.
This Friday evening, the lifeless body of a [woman] who was dressed in women's clothing was found in the Guardia section, in the municipality of Zacatelco. According to early indications the victim could be a subject who had been missing.
The body was found in a lot under construction on calle Badillo Sur, in SeccĂon Tercera de Guardia shortly after 7:00 pm this Friday.
The body had blood stains on the face, but so far it is unknown whether it was a malicious or other type of homicide.
According to information obtained, it could be a person who has a missing person's file since December 30, 2019.
TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans