17 Jan 2020
Salvador, Bahia (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/16-Jan-2020/Fabiola

Fabíola was shot in the face.
A transvestite was shot dead yesterday morning at the Sete Portas. According to the Civil and Military Police, the person, who was not identified, was shot and killed in the face.
Police officers from the 58th CIPM (Cosme de Farias) were making rounds on Avenida Heitor Dias, when they were approached by popular people who reported that there was an injured woman on Rua Cônego Pereira. On the spot, they found the victim lying on the floor and undocumented.
According to a witness, who was with the victim moments before the crime was committed, she made programs near the place where she was killed. "She was here talking to me and the people at the tent. In a little while she went over there and I heard a shot," said a merchant who identified himself as Vânia.
According to reports, the perpetrator was on a motorcycle and then fled. Fabíola, as she was known, was attended by the garrison for the General Hospital of the State (HGE), with a gunshot wound to the face at about 2 am, but she was dead when she arrived at the hospital.