Letícia Pereira de Oliveira
Age 1719 Jan 2020
Boa Vista, Roraima (Brazil)
Strangled and stabbed
TDoR list ref: tgeu/19-Jan-2020/Leticia

Letícia's body was found dumped inside a burlap sack on Sunday 19th January. Her hands were tied and she had been strangled and stabbed.
Yesterday morning, the 19th, a body, possibly from a [trans woman], was found inside a plastic bag that was covered by scrub and was in the backyard of a commercial lot on Avenida Felinto Barbosa in the Santa Luzia neighborhood. The case is being investigated by the General Homicide Police (DGH).
The body, which is still unidentified, was found inside a fiber bag this Sunday morning, the 19th, in the backyard of a commercial lot that is alongside Avenida Felinto Barbosa, Santa Luzia neighborhood. The victim was tied up in a fetal position and there were stab wounds on her body.
A PM garrison responded to the incident after being called by the Integrated Security Operations Center (Ciops) to confirm if the case was indeed a corpse find. At the scene was the applicant and two other witnesses. The man explained that a few days ago he rented the building and that Sunday he hired two people to clear the land. While one of his helpers took out scrub that were piled up in the back of the yard, close to the wall, he found under the debris a strange volume in a bag and when he looked at it carefully he realized that it could be a human body. He called his boss who in turn called the police on 190.
The police made a small cut in the bag and confirmed that there was a body there, at which time they called Forensics, a team from the General Homicide Police (DGH) and the Ministry of Legal Medicine (IML). Investigators found that the body is [female], but was dressed in women's clothing.
The victim is between 25 and 30 years old, has long hair, is thin, of short stature and of a still color. A piece of elastic rubber from a bicycle inner tube was pulled tightly around the neck and the body had perforations on the right side of the abdomen. At the end of the forensic work, the body was removed by the IML horseradish. DGH agents started investigations while still at the scene.
The PM observed that some commercial points and residences close to the location of the corpse's finding have security cameras and can assist in investigations by the Civil Police. Shortly afterwards, the DGH police managed to contact neighbors closest to the scene and found a bladed weapon and a sandal near the wall.