Sasha Santos Filho
Age 258 Apr 2020
Aracaju, Sergipe (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/9-Apr-2020/Sasha Santos
Sasha was shot in the street just after 1pm on Wednesday 8th April. She died in hospital.
In the early evening of this Wednesday, the 8th, [deadname] Santos Filho, 25, died in the Urgência Hospital of Sergipe (HUSE), a [trans woman] with the social name “Sasha”. She was the victim of an attempted homicide by firearm, in the early afternoon, in the Dom Luciano neighborhood north of Aracaju.
According to the first information checked by Portal Imprensa1, “Sasha” was talking to a boy on Rua Alogoinhas who, at around 1:05 pm. He drew a gun and fired about five shots.
After being shot, the victim ran to Rua São Francisco de Assis and fell meters later. She was rescued by the Mobile Emergency Service (SAMU) who took her to HUSE, but she did not survive.