Age 1818 Apr 2020
Maria Bonita, Cumaru do Norte, Pará (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/18-Apr-2020/Leticia
Letícia was shot in the mouth after a disagreement with another woman in a bar. She died at the scene.
Civil and military police officers in the city of Cumaru do Norte, in southern Pará, face difficulties in investigating the case of a murder in the mining area known as Maria Bonita, in the municipality of Cumaru do Norte. Because civil and military police do not operate within indigenous lands, they are not allowed to enter the mine to collect the body, make arrests or investigate the crime.
The crime occurred this Saturday (18), at Bar Castanheira, which is located near the illegal [gold] mining area.
According to information raised by the report, the victim was the [trans woman] whose identity the police are [withholding], but it is known that he answered by the [social name] of Letícia, 18 years old. She was shot after a quarrel with a woman identified as Cíntia Raiana do Nascimento, who was at the bar where the crime occurred. The projectile hit the mouth of the victim who died on the spot.
According to information that reached the newsroom, the place where the bars operate works as a kind of "Cabaret" - a term used by the prospectors for a brothel and place for romantic encounters in the mining area.
As the mining area is located within a Kaiapó indigenous reserve, the Military and Civil Police are not allowed to enter the area to carry out the post-mortem survey or investigate the crime. Only Federal Police agents can enter the area.