Selena Reyes-Hernandez
Age 3731 May 2020
Marquette Park, Chicago, Illinois (USA)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/31-May-2020/Selena Reyes-Hernandez

Selena was shot by a man who went home with her after she told him that she was transgender. Even though she was dead already, he later returned to shoot her again.
Orlando Perez, 18, was remanded in custody without bail. He is next due to appear in court on 6th July.
An 18-year-old high school student was allegedly so upset after finding out a woman he went home with was transgender that he killed her.
Even after firing his gun twice at Selena Reyes-Hernandez, Orlando Perez confessed to detectives that he went back to Reyes-Hernandez’s Marquette Park residence a second time so he could shoot her lifeless body again, Cook County prosecutors said Tuesday.
Perez allegedly told detectives during a video-recorded statement that while inside, he asked Reyes-Hernandez if she was a girl. When she said she was trans, he told her he had to leave.
Surveillance cameras show Perez leaving 20 minutes later, and then returning around 6 a.m. with a dark face covering, prosecutors said. The video allegedly shows Perez take out a handgun and rack the slide as he approaches Reyes-Hernandez’s home in the 3300 block of West 71st Street.
Perez was also recorded hopping over the gate to Reyes-Hernandez’s home and then leaving again minutes later, prosecutors said. Perez allegedly told detectives after finding the victim’s door open, he walked in and shot her in the head and back.
“He thought that was enough so he ran out. But he kept seeing her face, so he went back there to do it again,” Assistant State’s Attorney James Murphy said during Perez’s bond hearing.
Perez shot Reyes-Hernandez’s body several more times while she lay face down on the floor, prosecutors said. A witness who heard loud noises later discovered Reyes-Hernandez’s body later that morning.