Amanda Marfree
Age 3523 Jun 2020
São Paulo (Brazil)

Amanda died from COVID-19. She was a tireless advocate for LGBT people and a pre-candidate for councilor in São Paulo with the collective DiverCidade SP.
Covid-19 has taken another casualty in our community. Transsexual activist Amanda Marfree died on Tuesday. A socio-educational advisor, Amanda worked at the Center for Reference and Defense of Diversity (CRD), in São Paulo.
Very active in social networks and human rights movements, Amanda was a tireless advocate for the LGBT cause, especially transsexual [people]. During the quarantine, she visited trans women in need of assistance.
In the beginning of June, Amanda was one of the highlights of the report of the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo that talked about how leaders of several generations were dealing with the current Brazilian socio-political conjuncture.
"I was always excluded from everything. Democracy was never a reality for me. Until the 30 years of my life I had no sense of any right, much less citizenship," said the activist in the report.
"In 2015, when I had the opportunity to summarize my studies, in a pilot version of the Transcidadania Project, I understood that I was a citizen like anyone, and not that excluded and marginalized person that society made me believe in."
In a press release the collective expressed their grief at her death:
"It is with great sadness that I communicate to all the departures of our beloved friend and companion Amanda Marfree on the morning of this Tuesday, 23/06/2020, a victim of Covid-19.
"Amanda leaves a legacy of achievements, overcoming, work and love to the next, a life of service to the LGBT QIA community +, of generosity and unstuck, especially for transvestites and transgender.
"She will be greatly missed by family, friends, activists and the countless vulnerable people to whom she dedicated her work until she fell ill.
"Go in peace Amanda, we know God is receiving you right now for the testimony of love you gave on this earth. Amanda's family is already coming to São Paulo for funeral procedures."
Amanda's Facebook profile is, and her Facebook page
She also had a YouTube channel at