Steffany Dior
Age 3621 Jul 2020
Rome, Lazio (Italy)
Not reported
TDoR list ref: tgeu/22-Jul-2020/Steffany Dior
Steffany's body was found when a car inadvertently ran over her. Her death is considered suspicious and the results of an autopsy are awaited.
The body of a Brazilian transsexual [woman] was found in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Rome, capital of Italy, on Tuesday night (21).
This is already the second case of a trans woman from Brazil found dead in the European country just this week. According to sources linked to the investigation, the victim was 36 years old.
The body was lying in the darkest corner of the Prenestino stretch. Next to her, the blonde wig, her handbag and the obvious signs of a car accident. The discovery of the young transsexual [woman], found lifeless in Piazzale Pino Pascali, a few steps from Palmiro Togliatti, around 10 pm on Tuesday is shrouded in mystery. Homeless - her name is [deadname] Santos de Araujo - the 36-year-old Brazilian woman had a difficult life behind her on the sex streets of the capital."Come, I ran her over but I swear she was already dead": it was a 43-year-old compatriot who raised the alarm, called 112 excitedly to self-report. Shortly before, on board her Citroen, she had hit her friend's body, then in shock she stopped to rescue her. But there was nothing more for the victim to do.
Steffany's social identity was determined as a result of reports by Observatório Trans & PGM. Her Facebook profile is