Doroty Balbino de Lima
Age 4026 Jul 2020
Caaporã, Paraíba (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/26-Jul-2020/Doroty Balbino de Lima

Doroty was shot multiple times in the head as she left the bathroom in a bar by three masked men in what appears to have been a targetted assassination.
A 40-year-old [trans woman] was murdered, early on Sunday evening (26), in the city of Caaporã, on the south coast of Paraíba. According to the Civil Police, the victim was known as “Doroty” and the crime took place around 6 pm.
The Civil Police informed PortalT5 that she was in a closed bar ["Bar do Charel"], with two other people. when three masked men arrived and fired several shots at the victim.
She died at the scene from her injuries. The victim was identified as [deadname] Balbino de Lima. Police also reported that they found narcotics with the victim and said she was involved in drugs.