Giovana Perez
6 Sep 2020
Mururú, Maranhão (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/6-Sep-2020/Giovana Perez
Giovana's body was found with stab wounds alongside the MA-008 road on the afternoon of Sunday 6th September.
The body of [deadname] da Silva, known as “Giovana” was found Sunday afternoon (6) [near the “Casa de Taipa” bar] alongside the MA-008 road near the Mururú settlement between the cities of Vitorino Freire and Paulo Ramos. Her body had six perforations, probably produced by a bladed weapon.
Giovana was a resident of Jenipapo, in the municipality of Marajá do Sena, and was well known in the city of Paulo Ramos.